WD Gann’s Harmonic Price & Time Points are one of the essential parts of studies for all traders & researchers who are interested in knowing the Accurate methods & Techniques of Mr Gann’s trading world.
Well, sadly, this part of the study is mostly overlooked & misinterpreted by many Gann practitioners.
WD Gann’s Books, Courses, and charts provide many clues to very useful harmonic price and time points, but to decode the Harmonic relationship of Price and time, one needs to Study historical events carefully.
Gann made extensive use of such useful Harmonic Price & Time points throughout his trading career.
However, the best and most Excellent use of such Precious information can be generated by only applying specific Mathematical formulas, which led to the forecasting of Significant and unique changes in Price and time trends.

Secret Behind the WD Gann’s Harmonic Price & Time Points
Gann developed the Techniques that ruled the market at that time and are even now known for their Excellence, and he was able to do this by applying proper & relevant Knowledge of Specific Natural principles that he discovered.
It is necessary to deal with Historical market charts and Scenarios for Decoding & Applying Gann’s Harmonic Price & Time Point Techniques in present-day trading markets.
So, many researchers tried their best to understand Mr Gann’s work concepts and techniques, but most of them misunderstood things completely. None of them succeeded and failed to yield the benefits that WD Gann uses to generate with his self-discovered principles and techniques.
I wondered what the main reason was there behind this misunderstanding and what was Mr Gann’s principles and techniques. Well, my efforts & hard work of more than a decade towards this research finally helped me to decode & understand many of WD Gann’s principles and methods.
I found many of the original Principles and techniques that WD Gann used to predict the market factors that determined the Price and time events that ruled the trading market.
WD Gann was the Master of the Financial trading world, a world of Mystery and Excellence; he was the member with the highest degree in Masonry.
The degree in Mason is entirely dependent on the work and efforts; the Study and Applied Knowledge evaluate the work. So, that’s the only way to understand their Secret and Mysterious world. It’s essential for one to know these Principles and techniques for achieving financial prosperity.