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Value of Trading Edge

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Playing smart and which also add Value to the winning side to your trading equation builds an EDGE. There is a thin line between gambling and trading. The Trading edge will ensure that you do not fall to the wrong side.

Most traders use conventional trading methods which they have learned from books. That learning curve will not add much Value to your trading Study in achieving a trading edge.

The reason for that is simple as you will find many other traders playing with the same techniques at same time. Due to which you will not be able to achieve the desired result from all those methods & techniques.They are the part of that crowd who are struggling for tasting the success in financial markets. The many numbers of participants acting, in the same way, cut the edge from that method. Due to which desired results and success will become hard to achieve.

For achieving the desired results, you need to Learn the trading methods which are unique. Like our trading methods which are only available for few numbers of traders every year to learn.

Through our 15 years of Research & hard work, we have discovered many Valuable methods. Which are only Open for those few who don’t want to be part of the struggling crowd anymore.

“Don’t be in Rat’s Race It’s Time to Drive with Grace”

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Divesh Jotwani

About the Author

Divesh Jotwani is a Full-time trader in the Indian stock market. He has spent over 20+ years researching and discovering WD Gann's methods and applying them day in and out markets.