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Patience is the ‘KEY’ to success

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“When you make a trade you must have the patience, to wait for opportunities to get out right, or to make the profit.” – WD Gann

Patience is one of the fundamental principles for getting success in financial markets, plus one also needs to have Patience while trade & to get the right side of the markets.

Volatility in markets is at its best; we only need the Right kind of tools & some of the very best trading principles to get benefit from such types of volatile moves.

Today’s intraday move also teaches us, how vital patience is for us to get at the Right side of the market, plus the use of some of the very best and unique trading tools like our students have can take you on the road to success smoothly.Divesh

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Divesh Jotwani

About the Author

Divesh Jotwani is a Full-time trader in the Indian stock market. He has spent over 20+ years researching and discovering WD Gann's methods and applying them day in and out markets.